Jess Collins
VP, Training & Integration
Mr. Collins is the Vice President of Training and Integration Services at InterFuze. He is responsible for establishing the technical execution and management processes for contracts that center on instruction, systems integration, fielding, and sustainment activities. Mr. Collins provides overarching guidance on mission-critical activities and monitors all scope elements to deliver quality products and services to our customers.
Mr. Collin’s technical background includes direct support to the JPEO-CBRND, which is focused on the CBRNE mission to provide essential tools for the warfighter to identify and combat against chemical and biological threats. He formerly worked at SAIC providing technical analysis and programmatic support for a major chemical demilitarization mission to eliminate the chemical munition stockpile within the United States. Prior to joining InterFuze, Mr. Collins supported business development opportunities for Enlighten IT Consulting with an emphasis on DISA cloud-based data platform development and analytics.
Mr. Collins possesses a MS in Professional Writing from Towson University.